Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Doa of the Day :)

Bismillah irRahman irRaheem

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Kind

Wahmil ‘annî kulla tabî‘atin liahadin min khalqika.
Waj’allî min amrîfarajan wa makhrajan wa yusrâ.
Wa anzil yaqînaka fî shadrî wa rajâaka fî qalbî,
hattâ lâ arju ghayraka.

Jauhkan dariku setiap akibat buruk dari makhluk-Mu. Jadikan urusanku
kebahagiaan bagiku, jalan keluar dan kemudahan. Tanamkan ke dalam dadaku
keyakinan pada-Mu, dan ke dalam kalbuku harapan pada-Mu. Sehingga aku tidak
berharap kepada selain-Mu.

Sunday, November 08, 2009



I really need to recite the prayers again and again....

Please give me enough power and patience to do the things that I need to do everyday,

let me gain enough confidence, and don't leave me for even a second, God.

Really, really, really need you...

My Girl

Dear all,

I just watched 'My Girl' promotion video!

And it's just soooo awesome, I love how they create a story that's not exactly related to

the drama, but it conveys a lovely family value that shared between the members.

They're really creating a storm, aren't they? ;)

Friday, November 06, 2009


What's so precious to you?

Hold on to that forever, because after all, it what makes you who you are :).

But somehow...I feel like I shouldn't hold on to what's precious to me that long....

It may save me from another pain :).