Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Anti-Virus

Dear All,

those bingeings on weekends really affect my health in a negative way. This morning I found

myself losing my voice, on the day when I was supposed to do a presentation on recruitment updates.

Luckily I have the most wonderful boss in the world, and he has been so kind as to do

the presentation on my behalf. Thank you! :D

Now I'd love a good nap.

Bye everyone! :)



Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wish List

Dear All,

I know it's a bit of heavy hint to write

a wish list less than 2 weeks from your birth

day, but somehow I couldn't help it. :P

The first few wishes will be quite standard,

so bear with them ;)

1. Getting healthier. I try to have a

healthier lifestyle by doing some jogging

everyday. It takes a little less than 30 mins,

and it's really great to take my stresses away

:D. I love walking around my flat area, just

looking at the sky and the cars being parked

there. It's so peaceful. :D

2. Bigger hard-disk drive. God knows how

active that band is. That's why they have

3 variety shows, and some appearances within

a week. If I want to keep myself 'updated'.

*ehem* I couldn't help but buying a new

hard-drive. :D

3. New clothes. OK, I have committed several

women's crimes in the past, including buying

clothes that I do not want to be caught

wearing. Some are too daring in colour, some

are just plain...small :P.

I guess the problem here is with yours truly

and not with the clothes :P.

4. OK, I'm such a shallow creature. How could

I put 'PEACE of MIND" on number 4 of my list

instead of number 1 or 2?

Mind you, this list is not written based on

their importance, but only a few things

that come in my mind, on a first-come-first-

serve basis.

I guess that's all for today. I will work

on the list whenever I have time ;)

Mata ne.



Monday, February 02, 2009

Past Perfect

Read a very inspiring passage from The 8th Habit of Highly Effective people.

It goes like this:

"This power of choice means that we are not merely a product of our past or of our genes;

we are not a product of how other people treat us. They unquestionably influence us,

but they do not determine us. We are self-determining through our choices. If we have

given away our present to the past, do we need to give away our future also?"

and another one:

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power

to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness."

So true :)



Journey to the Past

Dear All,

guess what? I found a really good book by Matthew Andrews. I've read a few books

written by him before, but nothing really struck me to the core like this.

I guess I've been so egoistically being idealistic, in a stupid way.Probably I fight

reality too much, and in the end, it wins. Big time.

I've allowed my weakness to celebrate its victory deep within, and not once congratulate

myself for whatever I have achieved until now.

I guess each and every one of us can still fight for a better world in our own niche,

and what's more, we can do it by being ourselves.

A little note aside, thanks to Rio for coming and having a nice talk with me.

It's such a rare occassion but I know it's such an eye-opener.

A chat with Ocvia last week also made my day :). I really love having dinner

together with a friend. It's intimate, and it allows you to be open and honest about many

things. ;)

On Being Mature

Dear all,

I came up to a not-so-shocking revelation lately. That growing up could mean being torn between your own happiness and your sense of resposibility towards others.

But I thought I could go both ways. And by the way, I've been trying hard not to mess up others' happiness when I get my own happiness.

One of my resolutions this year is not to sweat small stuff, and be happy with whatever I have now.

Responsibility comes first, and I had it coming that I have to give whatever it takes.

