Monday, June 22, 2009

Love Letter from A Friend (Part 3)

Dear Twin,
Bingung dari mana mulainya. But firstly, walaupun sempet bingung, let me start dengan bilang makasih buat request lo ini. Makasih karena lo percaya ma gw buat nulis something tentang lo.
Insecurity. Itu yang selalu gw rasakan dari lo setiap kali pembicaraan kita mulai masuk ke arah yang lebih dalam daripada sekedar obrolan biasa. Gw selalu wonder, kenapa lo.. selalu bertanya sama gw tentang hal2 dimana gw mesti membandingkan lo dengan orang lain. Well, mungkin ga selalu. Tapi in most cases, gw selalu berpikir gitu.

Dearest, gw sedih tiap kali lo tanya begitu. You know what? Banyak orang yang mungkin lebih baik daripada lo, lebih segala2nya daripada lo, tapi buat orang2 yang di sekeliling lo, ya.. I guess there's no point for you asking that. Cause you know that we will always think the same about you. It will never change. And we (well, me. But I'm sure everyone wants the same too) want you to feel the same too. That the ones that you have to care the most are people that also care about you, and you already know our opinion will stay the same.

When you do feel lonely, I guess the solution is not always about going out with people.. Give yourself a quality time besides locking yourself in your room after work. Do something that make you smile, and you will find yourself feel even more relieved than before.

Hehe....edited a little :D

Thanks to the sender ;)

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