Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Woman of No Importance

Something from A Woman of No Importance, by Wilde:

LADY STUTFIELD. Yes; men persecute us dreadfully, don't they?

MRS. ALLONBY. Persecute us? I wish they did.


MRS. ALLONBY. The annoying thing is that the wretches can be perfectly happy without us. That is why I think it is every woman's duty never to leave them alone for a single moment, except during this short breathing space after dinner; without which I believe we poor women would be absolutely worn to shadows.

LADY STUTFIELD. It seems to me that it is we who are always trying to escape from them. Men are so very, very heartless. They know their power and use it.

MRS. ALLONBY. I don't think that we should ever be spoken of asother people's property. All men are married women's property.That is the only true definition of what married women's property really is. But we don't belong to any one.

Funny? True? Nonsense? Whimsical? Exaggerative? You decide! :D


Meera Masyhur said...

Ahahahaha.. I reckon its quite funny and true at the same time! Why?

True, SOMETIMES men can be so heartless. Agree depend on the situation..
Funny. The women talk about men as if they were "a thing" (property) hahaha

Adilla said...

Hehehe...too true, too true :D. Thanks commentnya Meera! :)