Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dear Old Girl... (Part 1)

"A woman's always younger than a man of equal years."
Elizabeth B.Browning


well, I'll split up this "Old Girl series" into some different parts, since there are some things that are know, urgently interesting to do (for the lack of a better world, oh, and is that such a phrase like "urgently interesting"? :P).

A picture speaks thousand words, so just take a look at the picture above (I'll be very glad if you do it :D). Stories later. And yes, THANK YOU, THANK YOU GUYS for MAKING MY DAY. Wonderful as always ;).


Anonymous said...

happy 19th birthday, girl. Hope you will have better year than mine. :)

wish you all the best for years ahead. thank you also for being there for me the past 4 years. Love you.

Unknown said...

minta poto minta poto minta poto, semuanyaaaaa... potonya yg dipajang baguuuuuuus... ahahaha =P

Anonymous said...

ck fika ih narsis banget! udah dils, ga usah dikasi tuh fotonya ma fika. takutnya ntar dia ngga ngerjain fyp, malah melototin foto dia. kan gaswat.

met ultah ya dils, maapkan saya tlah melupakan tanggal ultah mu. huiks huiks huiks. semoga dilancarkan olehNya segala sesuatu yang terbaik untuk dirimu. dan di hindarkan dari yang ngga baik untuk dirimu.

Adilla said...

@Fanny: Amien, you're welcome, Sis :). The pleasure is all mine. Hope you'll have great years ahead, too :).

@Fika:Oh iya2, ntar dikasih :D.

@Larissa: Hihihi...biar semangat FYPnya Lay :D. Amien2, makasih doanya :).

ben[aga] said...

Met Ultah yaaaa! Sori ga dtg,,

Adilla said...

@Benaga: Makasih, gak papa kok :).

ryy_ said...

slamat ulang taun, jangan sampe cuma slamat aja yg ulang tahun terus.

liat sendoknya, (lalu klik link nya)

Adilla said...

@ryy: Thank you. Happy sendok day to you, too :)

Anonymous said...

Judul fotonya bikin tersanjung...
Meski menurut pengamatan sih justru biasanya cowok terlihat lebih muda gitu ;)

Adilla said...

@Pritha: Mudah2an bisa grow up juga ya Mbak, bukan cuma grow old ;).