Monday, February 02, 2009

Journey to the Past

Dear All,

guess what? I found a really good book by Matthew Andrews. I've read a few books

written by him before, but nothing really struck me to the core like this.

I guess I've been so egoistically being idealistic, in a stupid way.Probably I fight

reality too much, and in the end, it wins. Big time.

I've allowed my weakness to celebrate its victory deep within, and not once congratulate

myself for whatever I have achieved until now.

I guess each and every one of us can still fight for a better world in our own niche,

and what's more, we can do it by being ourselves.

A little note aside, thanks to Rio for coming and having a nice talk with me.

It's such a rare occassion but I know it's such an eye-opener.

A chat with Ocvia last week also made my day :). I really love having dinner

together with a friend. It's intimate, and it allows you to be open and honest about many

things. ;)

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