Saturday, March 31, 2007
Ivanhoe, The Pursuit of Happiness
Not that I whine, it's just the language is old English, which means, without looking up the words, it feels like reading Double Dutch. Seriously.
Well, yeah, I've got to read some more interesting novels to read this semester. But apparently this novel is highly recommended for students studying Sensibility and Romanticism (the ERA, not the NOUN), so the lecturer has put it in the sylabus.
Tony Blair happened to like this book (was it when he was 10? God knows when!). And he said (the lecturer, not Tony Blair) this book was considered to be Harry Potter in that era. Which means everybody has read Ivanhoe, and so...and so...(unreliable description I know, since almost all the lecturers here seems to have a love-hate relationship with Harry Potter).
Anyway, if you happen to like a story of the Medieval era, this book is recommended. The writer was a Scottish, so you can imagine how great he was, considering having no cultural knowledge of English medieval, having written all this stuff, and come up very nicely with this novel.
Anyway, maybe people have to read a lot of novels from different eras. Isn't it what people will call being all-rounded? Well, I'm definitely all-rounded, but in all the wrong places (TT).
(Read:all-rounded=semua bulat)
Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
We can hear the spring
Fly, fly summer
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Morning Song
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Essence of Youth
Oh, to be young again! :D Here are the pictures of my favorite wayang book. I own most of them (well, now I don't know where they are, but at gives me thrill and happiness just looking at the pictures :D. Pictures courtesy of Anelinda. Kindly visit the webbie, they've got tons of good stuffs there ;).
Bharatayudha, my favourite! Sad, but full of lessons in life...War does much more harm than good apparently. Well, I'm definitely a Pacifist! :P. Don't forget the Bhawadgita, a lesson given to Arjuna when he feels sad and helpless. The ilustrations are great, and you'll get much more than a glimpse of what this 'Lesson of Life' is.
Parikesit, after Bharatayudha is over, it's time for the new generation. Don't like it very much, but it's worth reading :).
Definitely my fave! I love Srikandi, and love the cover as well. The image of a woman warrior is so cool! There is also a Javanese dance called Srikandi-Mustokoweni, telling a stories on how the two women fighting over the Jamus Kalimasadha.
I don't own these two comics, will soon add them to my wishlist. Been ordering by phone for the past two years, and venturing to any bookstore available. Btw, went to Plaza Semanggi during the recess week spent back home, and found a bookstore selling those comics! I was so ecstatic, but there were some books not for sale, since they were too rare. Huhu...hope someone would sell those books. *pray hard*
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
A House is Not A Home
out the cold? Yes, but home is more than that. It is the laugh of a baby, the song of a mother,
the strength of a father, warmth of loving hearts, lights from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty,
comradeship. Home is first school for young ones, where they learn what is right, what is
good, and what is kind, where they go for comfort when they are hurt or sick; where joy is
shared and sorrow eased; where fathers and mothers are respected and loved, where
children are wanted; where the simplest food is good enough for kings because it is earned;
where money is not as important as loving-kindness; where even the tea kettle sings from
happiness. That is home. God bless it!”
Kenangan sampai 19 tahun ini :).
1. Bantaeng, Makassar
Memories: Laut, parrot, rumah berpagar coklat-jingga, Coto Makassar, domino, sepeda roda empat
2. Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat
Memories: TK, belajar baca, bakso Mang Widji, bahasa Sunda, Universitas Siliwangi, first bestfriend, lompat kodok keliling lapangan, pawai piala Adipura, kota 'Macan', majalah Bobo, sumur di dalam rumah, mobil Suzuki Carry warna merah, kos-kosan di sekitar rumah, sepeda, Yogya, Asia, Samudera Department Store, becak, Pengadilan Negeri Tasikmalaya, Pengadilan Negeri Ciamis, boneka, restoran Mina Tirta, kue bolu warna-warni, rumah di Cikalang, monopoli.
3. Bekasi, Jawa Barat
Memories: hapalan perkalian, lari-larian di sekolah, pramuka penggalang, penghapus papan tulis, makanan katering, becak, gado-gado, lembaran komik strip di Poskota, Poncol Jaya, pohon delima dan belimbing depan rumah, shalat Ied, masakan Lebaran Nini, pasar duta kranji, angkot.
4. Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
Memories: Kebun Binatang Ragunan, Kijang hijau, ekskul badminton+renang, SD Bhakar, batagor, koperasi sekolah, hari anak nasional di TMII, ujian praktek olahraga, SMP 41, kelas 3-1, UAN, perpisahan sekolah, perpisahan kelas di Puncak, perpus 41, SMA 8 Jakarta, Accellers 04, minta tandatangan, kemacetan di Manggarai,kereta api, dimsum di Snappy, Tebet, ritual pagi hari di kelas, perayaan ulang tahun, pulang cepet dari sekolah, her MAFIA, TeSIS, foto buku tahunan, Pentaru, Pensul, ujian praktek dance,buka puasa, ujian NTU+NUS, perpisahan sekolah.
5. Padang, Sumatera Barat
Memories: Bandara Tabing, Bukittinggi, kerajinan perak, bordiran, Gramedia, perjalanan dua jam ke Pariaman, gulai kepala ikan Pariaman, becak motor, Pengadilan Negeri Padang, Pengadilan Negeri Pariaman, Jam Gadang, keripik sanjay, bandara Ketaping.
6. Kembali ke no 4 beberapa bulan
Memories: ITC Cempaka Mas, reuni Accellers 04, sesi 'debat' sama Teh Ibah, Gramedia Matraman, tidur, cela-cela lagu :P, nonton bioskop Trans TV, temenin Ade belajar (sambil ngomelin), SMS/telepon temen-temen lama, UI, Bogor, Hanamasa, Bandung.
7. Malang, Jawa Timur
Memories: to be advised :D :D
Monday, March 12, 2007
Why Wayang Rocks!!!
1. You can learn how to shoot an arrow without having to get a real hands-on experience (and get shot while doing it)
2. The most romantic love stories are told in the most dramatic way possible, you can never know when you need a packetof Kleenex to shed your tears.
3. Memorizing the name of the characters doesn't turn out too bad....apparently.Provided you have been wishing to score well in your History exams (which is only half-true).
4. You will have many ideas for your future babies'names :P
5. If the idea of wearing kemben never crosses your mind, try to read some of the stories.Girls can still fight wearing the (in)famous kemben!
6. Poligamy is never a problem in wayang. Get as many as you wish. At your own risk.
7. Sometimes fighting over a rare wayang book with some people older than your grandmother is worth the time.
8. Persuading your father to accompany you watching the live show in Gedung Kesenian Jakarta turns out to be a good sport activity.
9. Same goes to calling Godforsaken publishing companies somewhere out there to find any Javanese books (that you can't even read) because they are not available in Jakarta.
10. It's the only situation where human, monkeys, giants, and whatnot can actually live together peacefully. (Even J.K. Rowling can't do this!!)
Dirty Father Thames
that wow, he's GREAT!
Not that I didn't notice that he was great, but I just found his characters
were too gruesome, and the stories were too angsty for my own taste (Chicklit die-hard fans,
here, readers! :P).
This poem was published in Punch , a magazine of humour and satire. You
could check their site here if you'd like to know more :).
Filthy river, filthy river,
Foul from London to the Nore,
What art thou but one vast gutter,One tremendous common shore?
All beside thy sludgy waters,
All beside thy reeking ooze,
Christian folks inhale mephitis,
Which thy bubbly bosom brews.
All her foul abominations
Into thee the City throws;
These pollutions, ever churning,
To and fro thy current flows.
And from thee is brew'd our porter -
Thee, thou guilty, puddle, sink!
Thou, vile cesspool, art the liquour
Whence is made the beer we drink!
Thou, too, hast a Conservator,
He who fills the civic chair;
Well does he conserve thee, truly,
Does not, my good LORD MAYOR?
Punch, Jul.-Dec. 1848, The Victorian Dictionary, compiled by Lee Jackson
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
MBTI Jokes
Taken from here.
I need a good laugh. Seriously :P.
Light Bulb Jokes
We many of your type does it take to change a light bulb?
The answers:
One worked in the past, so one will work now!
Only one, me, as long as it is OK with everyone else.
Does the light bulb really want to be changed?
Could you please define change? And what exactly do you mean by a light bulb?
2, one to change it and one for support
None, till I check the breaker.
Who cares - the important thing is that it would be fun!
Well let's see, there's one to notice the bulb is out, and one to make a new lampshade, and one to read a magazine article on alternative lighting means, and one to draw a picture of a candle, and...
One, but only after tightening, wiggling, shaking, testing, etc. to make sure it's not something else
The cost/benefit ratio would dictate only one.
At least 2 - let me get on the phone and call someone to come over...
But that was my favorite light bulb!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Top 20 Fictional Guys
Top 20 Fictional Guys
1. Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
2. Arjuna (Mahabharata)
3. Rhys Williams (Bloodline, Sidney Sheldon)
4. Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
5. Masumi Hayami (Garasu no Kamen)
6. Andre Grandier (Rose of Versailles)
7. Shinichi Kudo (Case Closed)
8. Saguru Hakuba (Case Closed)
9. Hercule Poirot (Hercule Poirot)
10. Mickey Mouse (Disney)
11. Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
12.James Sabine (Playing James)
13. Luke Brandon (Shopaholic Series)
14. Mark Darcy (Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding)
15. Cooper Cartwright (Size 12 Is Not Fat, Meg Cabot)
16. Michael Moscovitz (Princess Diaries)
17. Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen)
18. Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)
19. Archie Andrews (Betty and Veronica)
20. Kid the Phantom Thief (Case Closed)