Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ivanhoe, The Pursuit of Happiness

Reading this novel (errm....was forced to) happens to be not so interesting (not a fairy tales fan, but definitely can stand it, preferably in the form of Knight in the Shining Armour).
Not that I whine, it's just the language is old English, which means, without looking up the words, it feels like reading Double Dutch. Seriously.

Well, yeah, I've got to read some more interesting novels to read this semester. But apparently this novel is highly recommended for students studying Sensibility and Romanticism (the ERA, not the NOUN), so the lecturer has put it in the sylabus.

Tony Blair happened to like this book (was it when he was 10? God knows when!). And he said (the lecturer, not Tony Blair) this book was considered to be Harry Potter in that era. Which means everybody has read Ivanhoe, and so...and so...(unreliable description I know, since almost all the lecturers here seems to have a love-hate relationship with Harry Potter).

Anyway, if you happen to like a story of the Medieval era, this book is recommended. The writer was a Scottish, so you can imagine how great he was, considering having no cultural knowledge of English medieval, having written all this stuff, and come up very nicely with this novel.

Anyway, maybe people have to read a lot of novels from different eras. Isn't it what people will call being all-rounded? Well, I'm definitely all-rounded, but in all the wrong places (TT).

(Read:all-rounded=semua bulat)

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.


Apret said...

whaaa kayaknya bagus

harus baca aku, hihihi

Adilla said...

Hehehe...iya Yu bagus. Cuma pake bhs Inggris kuno, rada ribet bacanya :D.