Monday, April 09, 2007

Why NBS is Cool :D

Why NBS is cool :D

Here are ten reasons why it's cool to be a part of NBS students population :P

1. You reign (almost) the whole part of South Spine, well, excluding the part where other students from many different courses invade your classes, and spend hours to do presentation dry run

2. People are very friendly, and think that asking as many as 10 questions when you're presenting is a nice gesture

3. When you wear a certain type of clothing, and are the only one who wears that in your course specialization, it will be almost impossible to snuck in a classroom when you're late, without causing such a hoo-ha.

4. The lifts are interesting. Sometimes you just have to take them to go to B3 from B2, and find yourself half-mashed during the journey.

5. Most of NBS students think that 6-hour meeting is a new form of sport, especially the one involving mouth-contraction and half-sleeping in between.

6. You get to wear high heels, and sometimes will break one of the heels during a walk back hall, only to find out later that repairing the heels will cost as much as twice the whole pair of shoes.

7. There are 3 types of students, they who are lucky enough to enrolled in double major and whose names listed in the Dean's list, they, who are equally lucky to get enrolled in double major, and...they, who are also lucky to get their names the attendance list.

8. It is a miracle how we (until now) can get the projects done while doing it half-sitting and half-standing in the jammed free access lab.

9. It always takes at least 3-hour nap after each exam to stop the smokes coming from your head.

10. In the beginning of each semester you'll find yourself praying that the course coordinators would somehow find a way to meet up and let each other know that they have planned to give the students at least 5 presentation assignments during the 12-week courses. But as usual, you'll end up getting 5 presentation assignments for EACH subject, and can't stop wondering whether the actual professors were kidnapped and replaced by aliens planning to take over the world.


Anonymous said...

paragraf terakhir, gw lsg ngakak.
karena lo bawa2 'alien'.
jadinya gw mulai ngerasa kalo lo mirip sama Ryan.

Adilla said...

Hehehe..have never been and will never be, Fan :). Anyway, itu gak semuanya bener kok.Hahaha... :P

ryy_ said...

must've been the penguins

Adilla said...

Yup, and probably the cats, too :P