Monday, December 07, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Sugary Presentation
The Odds
Dear All,
good news is supposed to be good news, right?
But lately I just can't take too much of this particular 'good news'.
Probably when it's time, it will just arrive, without me even trying.
This is one of several things that I can't plan in advance, and I don't know
how to deal with this. The buzzing sound of its excitement becomes too much to take :(.
Well, we'll see how my mood is going to be next week. There will probably something
to cheer me up :).
Friday, December 04, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Doa of the Day :)
Bismillah irRahman irRaheem
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Kind
Wahmil ‘annî kulla tabî‘atin liahadin min khalqika.
Waj’allî min amrîfarajan wa makhrajan wa yusrâ.
Wa anzil yaqînaka fî shadrî wa rajâaka fî qalbî,
hattâ lâ arju ghayraka.
Jauhkan dariku setiap akibat buruk dari makhluk-Mu. Jadikan urusanku
kebahagiaan bagiku, jalan keluar dan kemudahan. Tanamkan ke dalam dadaku
keyakinan pada-Mu, dan ke dalam kalbuku harapan pada-Mu. Sehingga aku tidak
berharap kepada selain-Mu.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
My Girl
Dear all,
I just watched 'My Girl' promotion video!
And it's just soooo awesome, I love how they create a story that's not exactly related to
the drama, but it conveys a lovely family value that shared between the members.
They're really creating a storm, aren't they? ;)
I just watched 'My Girl' promotion video!
And it's just soooo awesome, I love how they create a story that's not exactly related to
the drama, but it conveys a lovely family value that shared between the members.
They're really creating a storm, aren't they? ;)
Friday, November 06, 2009
What's so precious to you?
Hold on to that forever, because after all, it what makes you who you are :).
But somehow...I feel like I shouldn't hold on to what's precious to me that long....
It may save me from another pain :).
Hold on to that forever, because after all, it what makes you who you are :).
But somehow...I feel like I shouldn't hold on to what's precious to me that long....
It may save me from another pain :).
Thursday, October 08, 2009
The World Greatest's Mum
Friday, October 02, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The London Experience
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The "How-We-Met" Story
Dear All,
I did a little brainstorming yesterday with a dear friend of mine.
We planned to write some blogs with stories how people met each other, form friendships/
romantic relationships, and even get married after that.
Sounds cool, right? ;P. I'm drafting my own how we met story currently. I don't have that
many, but will try to dig some stories from dear friends and relatives.
So...if let say you have any, please share with me, here!
I did a little brainstorming yesterday with a dear friend of mine.
We planned to write some blogs with stories how people met each other, form friendships/
romantic relationships, and even get married after that.
Sounds cool, right? ;P. I'm drafting my own how we met story currently. I don't have that
many, but will try to dig some stories from dear friends and relatives.
So...if let say you have any, please share with me, here!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday! :)
To The Greatest And Dearest 'HIME' (or should I say OUJI, instead?) :P,
may you be granted by more and more awesomeness and success :).
Love you,
may you be granted by more and more awesomeness and success :).
Love you,
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Confession of A Desperate Packing Queen
Dear All,
please tell me, why packing is such a difficult chore to do?!!
Like you will always have more things to pack that your suitcase almost bursts out,and
when you want to put them inside another suitcase, you will then realise that you're not
supposed to bring that many things. about dilemma :(.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Injection Time! :)
Dear All,
I got my meningitis injection today! It was less painful that I thought it would be,
but nonetheless I was pretty freaked out since it's been quite some time since the last time
I deal with needles or hospital for that matter.
Now I'm preparing my documents to apply for Schengen visa. Please wish us luck, kay? ;)
I got my meningitis injection today! It was less painful that I thought it would be,
but nonetheless I was pretty freaked out since it's been quite some time since the last time
I deal with needles or hospital for that matter.
Now I'm preparing my documents to apply for Schengen visa. Please wish us luck, kay? ;)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Buzzer Beat and Independence Day
Dear All,
hey you fellow Indonesians! Happy Independence Day!
Let's do the best for our beloved country, ok? ;)
Anyway, I'm waiting so impatiently for the 6th episode of Buzzer Beat.
Could it be more interesting? I'm totally hooked! :D
hey you fellow Indonesians! Happy Independence Day!
Let's do the best for our beloved country, ok? ;)
Anyway, I'm waiting so impatiently for the 6th episode of Buzzer Beat.
Could it be more interesting? I'm totally hooked! :D
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Introduce Yourself! :)
Dear Blog Readers (or just bypass-ers) ;),
I happened to notice that some people do actually visit this (rather abandoned) blog :P.
So whether I know you or I don't know you yet, kindly introduce yourself ;).
Thanks in advance!
I happened to notice that some people do actually visit this (rather abandoned) blog :P.
So whether I know you or I don't know you yet, kindly introduce yourself ;).
Thanks in advance!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
My Immortal
Rest in Peace....
Life is eternal, and love is immortal.
And death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
Rest in Peace....
Life is eternal, and love is immortal.
And death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sakit (karena) Angin
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb,
baru juga 3 minggu di Jakarta, yang namanya masuk angin udah gencar menyerang.
Jadi penasaran deh, kenapa sih namanya masuk angin?
Emang anginnya bisa masuk beneran ke badan ya? :P
baru juga 3 minggu di Jakarta, yang namanya masuk angin udah gencar menyerang.
Jadi penasaran deh, kenapa sih namanya masuk angin?
Emang anginnya bisa masuk beneran ke badan ya? :P
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Obat Nyamuk :P
Dear All,
jadi obat nyamuk itu nggak enak ya?
Kalau kata si cewek itu, sebenarnya kita semua berpartisipasi dalam game kejar-kejaran
antara cewek dan cowok, game PDKT yang endless.
Jadi pengen bisa baca pikiran orang :P
jadi obat nyamuk itu nggak enak ya?
Kalau kata si cewek itu, sebenarnya kita semua berpartisipasi dalam game kejar-kejaran
antara cewek dan cowok, game PDKT yang endless.
Jadi pengen bisa baca pikiran orang :P
Monday, June 22, 2009
Love Letter from A Friend (Part 3)
Dear Twin,
Bingung dari mana mulainya. But firstly, walaupun sempet bingung, let me start dengan bilang makasih buat request lo ini. Makasih karena lo percaya ma gw buat nulis something tentang lo.
Insecurity. Itu yang selalu gw rasakan dari lo setiap kali pembicaraan kita mulai masuk ke arah yang lebih dalam daripada sekedar obrolan biasa. Gw selalu wonder, kenapa lo.. selalu bertanya sama gw tentang hal2 dimana gw mesti membandingkan lo dengan orang lain. Well, mungkin ga selalu. Tapi in most cases, gw selalu berpikir gitu.
Dearest, gw sedih tiap kali lo tanya begitu. You know what? Banyak orang yang mungkin lebih baik daripada lo, lebih segala2nya daripada lo, tapi buat orang2 yang di sekeliling lo, ya.. I guess there's no point for you asking that. Cause you know that we will always think the same about you. It will never change. And we (well, me. But I'm sure everyone wants the same too) want you to feel the same too. That the ones that you have to care the most are people that also care about you, and you already know our opinion will stay the same.
When you do feel lonely, I guess the solution is not always about going out with people.. Give yourself a quality time besides locking yourself in your room after work. Do something that make you smile, and you will find yourself feel even more relieved than before.
Hehe....edited a little :D
Thanks to the sender ;)
Bingung dari mana mulainya. But firstly, walaupun sempet bingung, let me start dengan bilang makasih buat request lo ini. Makasih karena lo percaya ma gw buat nulis something tentang lo.
Insecurity. Itu yang selalu gw rasakan dari lo setiap kali pembicaraan kita mulai masuk ke arah yang lebih dalam daripada sekedar obrolan biasa. Gw selalu wonder, kenapa lo.. selalu bertanya sama gw tentang hal2 dimana gw mesti membandingkan lo dengan orang lain. Well, mungkin ga selalu. Tapi in most cases, gw selalu berpikir gitu.
Dearest, gw sedih tiap kali lo tanya begitu. You know what? Banyak orang yang mungkin lebih baik daripada lo, lebih segala2nya daripada lo, tapi buat orang2 yang di sekeliling lo, ya.. I guess there's no point for you asking that. Cause you know that we will always think the same about you. It will never change. And we (well, me. But I'm sure everyone wants the same too) want you to feel the same too. That the ones that you have to care the most are people that also care about you, and you already know our opinion will stay the same.
When you do feel lonely, I guess the solution is not always about going out with people.. Give yourself a quality time besides locking yourself in your room after work. Do something that make you smile, and you will find yourself feel even more relieved than before.
Hehe....edited a little :D
Thanks to the sender ;)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Doa of The Day
Dear All,
find this from the mailing list, and somehow it almost makes my eyes dwell with tears :P
Allaahumma a'innii 'alaa diinii biddunyaa,
wa 'alaa aakhiratii bittaqwaa,waffazhnii fiimaa ghibtu 'anhu walaa takilnii ilaa nafsii fiimaa hadhartuhu,
yaa man laa tadhurruhudz dzunuubu walaa tanqushuhul maghfiratu,
hab lii manlaa wanqushuka waghfirlii maa laa yadhurruka, innaka antal wahhabu.
Ya Allah, tolonglah aku terhadap agamaku dengan dunia dan terhadap akhiratku dengan taqwa dan peliharalah daku pada sesuatu yang aku jauh dari padanya dan
janganlah Engkau menyerahkan daku kepada diriku pada yang aku hadirinya.
Wahai Tuhan yang tak dapat dimudharatkan oleh segala dosa, tak dapat dikurangkan oleh ampunan, berilah aku apa yang tiada kurang itu dan ampunilah aku apa yang tiada memudharatkan Engkau, Engkaulah Tuhan yangbanyak pemberiannya.
find this from the mailing list, and somehow it almost makes my eyes dwell with tears :P
Allaahumma a'innii 'alaa diinii biddunyaa,
wa 'alaa aakhiratii bittaqwaa,waffazhnii fiimaa ghibtu 'anhu walaa takilnii ilaa nafsii fiimaa hadhartuhu,
yaa man laa tadhurruhudz dzunuubu walaa tanqushuhul maghfiratu,
hab lii manlaa wanqushuka waghfirlii maa laa yadhurruka, innaka antal wahhabu.
Ya Allah, tolonglah aku terhadap agamaku dengan dunia dan terhadap akhiratku dengan taqwa dan peliharalah daku pada sesuatu yang aku jauh dari padanya dan
janganlah Engkau menyerahkan daku kepada diriku pada yang aku hadirinya.
Wahai Tuhan yang tak dapat dimudharatkan oleh segala dosa, tak dapat dikurangkan oleh ampunan, berilah aku apa yang tiada kurang itu dan ampunilah aku apa yang tiada memudharatkan Engkau, Engkaulah Tuhan yangbanyak pemberiannya.
What Goes Around...
Dear All,
it's been pretty much a relzxed week, even though I started with a few bumps here and there.
Finished packing my big box filled with books and whatnots. I simply believe that people
will just realise how they already have a lot of things when they begin packing things and
counting it. Same goes with blessing, I guess. You'll never know just how much The Creator
has given you until you start counting them, and realise that you will never be able to count
Alhamdulillah :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Love Letter from A Friend Part 2
Hmm, gw sebenernya bingung kalo disuruh mengkritik orang, Dil..
Tapi mungkin ini room of improvement yaa, hehehe..
Mungkin lo sebaiknya lebih santai dalam menghadapi sesuatu, gak usah terlalu dipikiriin bgt..soalnya belom tentu orang2 yang lo pikirin juga melakukan hal yang sama dengan lo, hehe..
Trus apa ya? mungkin lebih percaya diri aja..mungkin lo agak minder karena fisik lo, gw juga kok, Dil..makin lama makin gak enak kalodenger orang ngomong fisik, hehehe *peace yaa..tapi itu jangan dijadikan hal yang membuat depresi, jadikan motivasi aja yuk buat diet :D tapi tujuan utamanya buat kesehatan, bukan demi menyenangkan orang2 itu, hehehe..
Hmm, terakhir, percaya aja lah kalau jodoh kita tuh udah ditulis di Lauhuf Mahfuz bahkan sebelum dunia ini diciptakan..jadi gak usah takut, insya Allah nanti juga ketemu kalau memang bukan yang sekarangkita sukai..semangat yaa! Asal mau usaha aja kali, hehe..
At the end of the day, it's still mind over matter, Dil..if you don't mind, it doesn't matter :p
Tapi mungkin ini room of improvement yaa, hehehe..
Mungkin lo sebaiknya lebih santai dalam menghadapi sesuatu, gak usah terlalu dipikiriin bgt..soalnya belom tentu orang2 yang lo pikirin juga melakukan hal yang sama dengan lo, hehe..
Trus apa ya? mungkin lebih percaya diri aja..mungkin lo agak minder karena fisik lo, gw juga kok, Dil..makin lama makin gak enak kalodenger orang ngomong fisik, hehehe *peace yaa..tapi itu jangan dijadikan hal yang membuat depresi, jadikan motivasi aja yuk buat diet :D tapi tujuan utamanya buat kesehatan, bukan demi menyenangkan orang2 itu, hehehe..
Hmm, terakhir, percaya aja lah kalau jodoh kita tuh udah ditulis di Lauhuf Mahfuz bahkan sebelum dunia ini diciptakan..jadi gak usah takut, insya Allah nanti juga ketemu kalau memang bukan yang sekarangkita sukai..semangat yaa! Asal mau usaha aja kali, hehe..
At the end of the day, it's still mind over matter, Dil..if you don't mind, it doesn't matter :p
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Love Letter from A Friend
Dear All,
just a little something that I got from a friend when I asked her to write something for me
as a self-introspection tool :)
Dear Dilla,
Sometimes you're such as fire, but in another time, you're such as water.Terkadang kamu suka memendam emosi-mu dan membiarkannya tinggal di dasar hatimu. Sampai pada suatu saatnya tiba, perasaan-perasaan yang sudah tertanam itu meledak dan meluap membanjiri nafsu. Walaupun sekarang sudah sangat jarang mendengar maupun melihat Dilla seperti api, namun sebaiknya emosi-emosi tersebut jangan dipendam atau dilampiaskan.
Terimalah emosi dan perasaan itu, Dil.. jika kamu marah, sedih, bahagia, ataupun kecewa. Terima.. dan izinkahlah masuk ke relung hatimu. Biarkan kamu mengakui, bahwa kamu merasa cemas, takut, senang ataupun ragu. Lalu, lepaskan..lepaskanlah, dengan cara menyelami emosi tersebut. Terus ke dasar laut, melesat bagaikan komet ke luar angkasa, jatuh ke dalam jurang hati yang dalaaamm sekali, sampai kamu kehilangan daya dan upaya untuk menahannya. Lihatlah, apa masih ada sisa2 emosi tersebut. Jika ada, carilah dan lepaskanlah sampai tidak ada yang tersisa.Barulah, kau bisa menarik nafas sedalam-dalamnya, ber-istighfar sambil mensyukuri segala nikmat-Nya atas emosi2 dan kondisi2 mu.
Well... mungkin selama ini kau tertawa, but it's not your heart that laugh. Mungkin selama ini kau terlihat murung, tetapi your heart is grateful. Hard to guess..hehehhe... maybe when you answered FINE, it means: Feeling Inside Not Expressed...hehehe.. but it's OK.
Maybe, u'r identic to CHAOS, hihihihi.... from hi-school ampe skrng kayaknya 1 hal yg gak berubah adalah ke-chaos-an dan ke-random-an mu. Loker pas SMA, saat dibuka sudah tidak bisa lagi menampung isi2 di dalamnya, brruuukkk.... isinya segala rupa ada, rame, dan yah.. tidak teratur ^^; . Mungkin sampai saat ini, sudah terbiasa dengan ketidakteraturan, dengan ini-itu di sana-sini.
Tetapi sesuai teori Chaos; bahwa CHAOS itu hanya perlu DIALAMI dan DIAKUI, dan nantinya akan berjalan sesuai keteraturannya sendiri. Mungkin juga berlaku denganmu, bahwa sikap dan kondisi mu yg Chaos, juga perlu diakui dan dialami, dirasakan, sebenarnya enak gak sih dengan kondisi tersebut? nyaman gak sih? Nantinya, tinggal proses waktu, Dilla juga akan teratur dan tidak berantakan versi-nya sendiri ^^;
Always get up with your cheerful heart, dilla.. semangat, lalu ambil wudhu saat matahari belum menyapa. Air tersebut akan membuat lebih segar dan tenang sebelum Dilla berangkat kantor dengan gembira.
If you wish for approval; ada baiknya untuk menyingkirkan rasa kuatir. Khawatir bahwa bos mikir ini-itu, teman2 kantor beranggapan ini-itu, dia lebih baik, bagus, dsb daripada saya... Manusia memang selalu meminta untuk disetujui, diakui, dilihat, bahwa, "ini lho saya! Hebat gk?". Memang kita juga harus akui rasa tersebut, tapi sekali lagi, cobalah untuk melepaskan. Kita harus terima apa-pun diri kita... karena manusia udah diciptakan dengan sebaik2nya...
just a little something that I got from a friend when I asked her to write something for me
as a self-introspection tool :)
Dear Dilla,
Sometimes you're such as fire, but in another time, you're such as water.Terkadang kamu suka memendam emosi-mu dan membiarkannya tinggal di dasar hatimu. Sampai pada suatu saatnya tiba, perasaan-perasaan yang sudah tertanam itu meledak dan meluap membanjiri nafsu. Walaupun sekarang sudah sangat jarang mendengar maupun melihat Dilla seperti api, namun sebaiknya emosi-emosi tersebut jangan dipendam atau dilampiaskan.
Terimalah emosi dan perasaan itu, Dil.. jika kamu marah, sedih, bahagia, ataupun kecewa. Terima.. dan izinkahlah masuk ke relung hatimu. Biarkan kamu mengakui, bahwa kamu merasa cemas, takut, senang ataupun ragu. Lalu, lepaskan..lepaskanlah, dengan cara menyelami emosi tersebut. Terus ke dasar laut, melesat bagaikan komet ke luar angkasa, jatuh ke dalam jurang hati yang dalaaamm sekali, sampai kamu kehilangan daya dan upaya untuk menahannya. Lihatlah, apa masih ada sisa2 emosi tersebut. Jika ada, carilah dan lepaskanlah sampai tidak ada yang tersisa.Barulah, kau bisa menarik nafas sedalam-dalamnya, ber-istighfar sambil mensyukuri segala nikmat-Nya atas emosi2 dan kondisi2 mu.
Well... mungkin selama ini kau tertawa, but it's not your heart that laugh. Mungkin selama ini kau terlihat murung, tetapi your heart is grateful. Hard to guess..hehehhe... maybe when you answered FINE, it means: Feeling Inside Not Expressed...hehehe.. but it's OK.
Maybe, u'r identic to CHAOS, hihihihi.... from hi-school ampe skrng kayaknya 1 hal yg gak berubah adalah ke-chaos-an dan ke-random-an mu. Loker pas SMA, saat dibuka sudah tidak bisa lagi menampung isi2 di dalamnya, brruuukkk.... isinya segala rupa ada, rame, dan yah.. tidak teratur ^^; . Mungkin sampai saat ini, sudah terbiasa dengan ketidakteraturan, dengan ini-itu di sana-sini.
Tetapi sesuai teori Chaos; bahwa CHAOS itu hanya perlu DIALAMI dan DIAKUI, dan nantinya akan berjalan sesuai keteraturannya sendiri. Mungkin juga berlaku denganmu, bahwa sikap dan kondisi mu yg Chaos, juga perlu diakui dan dialami, dirasakan, sebenarnya enak gak sih dengan kondisi tersebut? nyaman gak sih? Nantinya, tinggal proses waktu, Dilla juga akan teratur dan tidak berantakan versi-nya sendiri ^^;
Always get up with your cheerful heart, dilla.. semangat, lalu ambil wudhu saat matahari belum menyapa. Air tersebut akan membuat lebih segar dan tenang sebelum Dilla berangkat kantor dengan gembira.
If you wish for approval; ada baiknya untuk menyingkirkan rasa kuatir. Khawatir bahwa bos mikir ini-itu, teman2 kantor beranggapan ini-itu, dia lebih baik, bagus, dsb daripada saya... Manusia memang selalu meminta untuk disetujui, diakui, dilihat, bahwa, "ini lho saya! Hebat gk?". Memang kita juga harus akui rasa tersebut, tapi sekali lagi, cobalah untuk melepaskan. Kita harus terima apa-pun diri kita... karena manusia udah diciptakan dengan sebaik2nya...
Sunday, February 08, 2009
The Anti-Virus
Dear All,
those bingeings on weekends really affect my health in a negative way. This morning I found
myself losing my voice, on the day when I was supposed to do a presentation on recruitment updates.
Luckily I have the most wonderful boss in the world, and he has been so kind as to do
the presentation on my behalf. Thank you! :D
Now I'd love a good nap.
Bye everyone! :)
those bingeings on weekends really affect my health in a negative way. This morning I found
myself losing my voice, on the day when I was supposed to do a presentation on recruitment updates.
Luckily I have the most wonderful boss in the world, and he has been so kind as to do
the presentation on my behalf. Thank you! :D
Now I'd love a good nap.
Bye everyone! :)
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Wish List
Dear All,
I know it's a bit of heavy hint to write
a wish list less than 2 weeks from your birth
day, but somehow I couldn't help it. :P
The first few wishes will be quite standard,
so bear with them ;)
1. Getting healthier. I try to have a
healthier lifestyle by doing some jogging
everyday. It takes a little less than 30 mins,
and it's really great to take my stresses away
:D. I love walking around my flat area, just
looking at the sky and the cars being parked
there. It's so peaceful. :D
2. Bigger hard-disk drive. God knows how
active that band is. That's why they have
3 variety shows, and some appearances within
a week. If I want to keep myself 'updated'.
*ehem* I couldn't help but buying a new
hard-drive. :D
3. New clothes. OK, I have committed several
women's crimes in the past, including buying
clothes that I do not want to be caught
wearing. Some are too daring in colour, some
are just plain...small :P.
I guess the problem here is with yours truly
and not with the clothes :P.
4. OK, I'm such a shallow creature. How could
I put 'PEACE of MIND" on number 4 of my list
instead of number 1 or 2?
Mind you, this list is not written based on
their importance, but only a few things
that come in my mind, on a first-come-first-
serve basis.
I guess that's all for today. I will work
on the list whenever I have time ;)
Mata ne.
I know it's a bit of heavy hint to write
a wish list less than 2 weeks from your birth
day, but somehow I couldn't help it. :P
The first few wishes will be quite standard,
so bear with them ;)
1. Getting healthier. I try to have a
healthier lifestyle by doing some jogging
everyday. It takes a little less than 30 mins,
and it's really great to take my stresses away
:D. I love walking around my flat area, just
looking at the sky and the cars being parked
there. It's so peaceful. :D
2. Bigger hard-disk drive. God knows how
active that band is. That's why they have
3 variety shows, and some appearances within
a week. If I want to keep myself 'updated'.
*ehem* I couldn't help but buying a new
hard-drive. :D
3. New clothes. OK, I have committed several
women's crimes in the past, including buying
clothes that I do not want to be caught
wearing. Some are too daring in colour, some
are just plain...small :P.
I guess the problem here is with yours truly
and not with the clothes :P.
4. OK, I'm such a shallow creature. How could
I put 'PEACE of MIND" on number 4 of my list
instead of number 1 or 2?
Mind you, this list is not written based on
their importance, but only a few things
that come in my mind, on a first-come-first-
serve basis.
I guess that's all for today. I will work
on the list whenever I have time ;)
Mata ne.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Past Perfect
Read a very inspiring passage from The 8th Habit of Highly Effective people.
It goes like this:
"This power of choice means that we are not merely a product of our past or of our genes;
we are not a product of how other people treat us. They unquestionably influence us,
but they do not determine us. We are self-determining through our choices. If we have
given away our present to the past, do we need to give away our future also?"
and another one:
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power
to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness."
So true :)
It goes like this:
"This power of choice means that we are not merely a product of our past or of our genes;
we are not a product of how other people treat us. They unquestionably influence us,
but they do not determine us. We are self-determining through our choices. If we have
given away our present to the past, do we need to give away our future also?"
and another one:
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power
to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness."
So true :)
Journey to the Past
Dear All,
guess what? I found a really good book by Matthew Andrews. I've read a few books
written by him before, but nothing really struck me to the core like this.
I guess I've been so egoistically being idealistic, in a stupid way.Probably I fight
reality too much, and in the end, it wins. Big time.
I've allowed my weakness to celebrate its victory deep within, and not once congratulate
myself for whatever I have achieved until now.
I guess each and every one of us can still fight for a better world in our own niche,
and what's more, we can do it by being ourselves.
A little note aside, thanks to Rio for coming and having a nice talk with me.
It's such a rare occassion but I know it's such an eye-opener.
A chat with Ocvia last week also made my day :). I really love having dinner
together with a friend. It's intimate, and it allows you to be open and honest about many
things. ;)
guess what? I found a really good book by Matthew Andrews. I've read a few books
written by him before, but nothing really struck me to the core like this.
I guess I've been so egoistically being idealistic, in a stupid way.Probably I fight
reality too much, and in the end, it wins. Big time.
I've allowed my weakness to celebrate its victory deep within, and not once congratulate
myself for whatever I have achieved until now.
I guess each and every one of us can still fight for a better world in our own niche,
and what's more, we can do it by being ourselves.
A little note aside, thanks to Rio for coming and having a nice talk with me.
It's such a rare occassion but I know it's such an eye-opener.
A chat with Ocvia last week also made my day :). I really love having dinner
together with a friend. It's intimate, and it allows you to be open and honest about many
things. ;)
On Being Mature
Dear all,
I came up to a not-so-shocking revelation lately. That growing up could mean being torn between your own happiness and your sense of resposibility towards others.
But I thought I could go both ways. And by the way, I've been trying hard not to mess up others' happiness when I get my own happiness.
One of my resolutions this year is not to sweat small stuff, and be happy with whatever I have now.
Responsibility comes first, and I had it coming that I have to give whatever it takes.
I came up to a not-so-shocking revelation lately. That growing up could mean being torn between your own happiness and your sense of resposibility towards others.
But I thought I could go both ways. And by the way, I've been trying hard not to mess up others' happiness when I get my own happiness.
One of my resolutions this year is not to sweat small stuff, and be happy with whatever I have now.
Responsibility comes first, and I had it coming that I have to give whatever it takes.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
When It's Not Everything....
Dear All,
I've learned a very precious lesson today: winning is not everything, the most important thing
is that even though you lost the match, there is someone who has waited for you, given you a
rounded applause and cheered for you the entire match.
And guess what? I cried my eyes out when watching Mago-mago Arashi today. I guess lack of
rest, stress, and sore throat could do that to a girl :P.
Wish me luck, I need it for next week onwards.
So....very tired :(
I've learned a very precious lesson today: winning is not everything, the most important thing
is that even though you lost the match, there is someone who has waited for you, given you a
rounded applause and cheered for you the entire match.
And guess what? I cried my eyes out when watching Mago-mago Arashi today. I guess lack of
rest, stress, and sore throat could do that to a girl :P.
Wish me luck, I need it for next week onwards.
So....very tired :(
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Year, New Year
Dear All,
this new year has not been the most memorable day to start 2009 to me, since I was deeply
asleep during midnight :p.
Rest assured, I had a very wonderful time in Jakarta when I was staying there for holiday.
It was so nice to be home. I just realised how true my friend was when she mentioned that
home is no longer a journey to her, it is more of a destination currently.
Everytime I'm home, I would be thinking to myself, what am I looking for now?
I have everything that I want and I need, I do not need to be anywhere else to be happy. But I
guess a girl needs an exposure to grow up, most of the time ;).
Exactly one month from now, I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday! I hope I'll be a better person,
a more mature, kind-hearted, responsible, and level-headed person. A person who does not tell
her own miseries to the whole world :p.
And last but not least, of course happy birthday to my dear cousin Rizka, whose birthday is only
one month apart from mine.
Happy belated new year everyone! :)
Dear All,
this new year has not been the most memorable day to start 2009 to me, since I was deeply
asleep during midnight :p.
Rest assured, I had a very wonderful time in Jakarta when I was staying there for holiday.
It was so nice to be home. I just realised how true my friend was when she mentioned that
home is no longer a journey to her, it is more of a destination currently.
Everytime I'm home, I would be thinking to myself, what am I looking for now?
I have everything that I want and I need, I do not need to be anywhere else to be happy. But I
guess a girl needs an exposure to grow up, most of the time ;).
Exactly one month from now, I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday! I hope I'll be a better person,
a more mature, kind-hearted, responsible, and level-headed person. A person who does not tell
her own miseries to the whole world :p.
And last but not least, of course happy birthday to my dear cousin Rizka, whose birthday is only
one month apart from mine.
Happy belated new year everyone! :)
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